Ananth's Blog - page 16
Put some delay after making the output high and low. Otherwise you won’t see the blinking. Code used is provided below. Comments are used for understanding the code. Do comment if you guys have anything to say.
It is very simple if you have some taste in programming. The code for lighting an LED is given below. What am doing is just enabling a particular port of microcontroller. Here it is PORTD. Before you can use a port you need to set the port as an output port. So that you can output data to that port. If you set the DDR (Data Direction Register) of PORT D (ie, DDRD) as 1, then it will act as output. If it is set to 0 it will act as input.
For those who are new to microcontroller, microcontroller is nothing but a mini computer within a chip. It has ram, a processing unit and all those needed for a computer to work. But in a mini scale. You can program your chip with a burner circuit.You need a software like avr studio to compile the program. Then you need a software like SinaProg to put this compiled HEX program to your chip. I use a USBasp ISP as the burner. You can buy that from