Posts tagged with linux - page 4

How to see DNS reply? or Testing DNS server?

Wonder how the dns works or want to know the dns reply from server? Sometimes when setting up a local dns server we have to test whether it is working or not. Here is how you can test it in Linux.

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How to hide and unhide files in Linux?

If you are new to linux OS, it’s a common mistake to add a (.) in front of your files and suddenly the file disappears. In Linux filenames starting with a dot (.) are hidden. You can intentionally make a folder or file hidden by renaming filename .filename If you want to view you hidden files or folders, first go to the location where the file resides using cd command.

Linux: How to find your serial (any connected) device?

In Linux all devices that are connected to the system are listed in/dev If you connect your mouse to your system it will detect it as hidraw. Other serial devices will be named as tty0, tty1,etc. So if you connect a serial (any) device and you want to know it’s name ( for ex: you want to connect it via minicom ), first go to /dev using

Serial Port Communication in Linux using Minicom

First of all install minicom using