Ananth's Blog - page 4


ROS simulating a 3 axis robot in Rviz

In this tutorial, we will create an urdf model of a 3 axis robot and simulate it in Rviz.

Batman Key chain with ESP8266

Have recently bought a small batman key chain from amazon. It has a small button when pressed lights the batman eye with white light and sounds a pathetic sound (:(). So I thought of opening it.

MAV with two propeller

In order to counter the rotating torque from the previous single rotor version, one more propeller is added. The second propeller rotates counter clockwise and both torques will cancel each other (Only if both propellers are rotating at same speed).

My single rotor MAV :)

This is a small MAV (Micro Areal Vehicle) I created out of simple household stuffs. Though this one can’t be controlled, it is fun to watch it fly. :) :) :)


This is an another theme I created for Plymouth ( a bootsplash for Linux). This will replace your native boot and shutdown animation. Credits to Joel Roset for the FX animation.