Ananth's Blog - page 7


Clap Switch

For some time I was thinking of making a simple clap switch for my room. ( Kind of lazy to go and switch off the light and fan every time… :-) ) First get it work on a breadboard.

Vision Based Line Follower using opencv

The robot is powered by beagleboneblack using a 1500mAh Li Ion Battery with a differential drive mechanism.

Best tutorial for BeagleBoneBlack

For a long time I was searching for a good tutorial for BeagleBoneBlack. Since the community is little less for the BBB it was a little hard to get started. But I found a book which is very useful to get started (in my opinion). {every book is unique in its on way}.

"Exploring BeagleBone Tools and Techniques for Building with Embedded Linux" by Derek Molloy.

Here is link to his homepage where he listed almost all contents in the text. The book cover almost every basics you need to know to get started. (BBB, Electronics, Linux, Cross compilation, Git, Opencv, ...)
Most of the other books and tutorials focus on the javascript tool (node). But I didn't feel so good with it. This book mainly focus programming the BBB using c which I feel good. You will find an e-book here.

Reading and showing images using opencv

Here is a sample code to read and show an image after converting it into grey scale.
Program reads a picture file called boy.jpg in the current folder and displays it. After 1 second it will change to grey scale.

Use this command to compile the program.

g++ first.cpp `pkg-config --cflags opencv` `pkg-config --libs opencv`

where first.cpp is the file name.

A Differential Drive Mobile Robot using BeagleBone Black

Finally start working properly. Need a better voltage regulator and a better battery pack! Voltage spikes when BeagleBoneBlack starts. After a while the BBB will shutdown due to voltage fluctuations… :-( WiFi module in BBB is drawing so much current.